
National DataBase of the Short films

N.B. The vote on line for the "Prize of the public of Internet"
for the short ones in treaming from you introduced to our concoro
and with duration max of 8 minutes
it is it already enables in the site www.icorti.it

In these weeks we are working a lot, in fact .... we are making the tests of publication in streaming of some of your works that you have introduced to the preceding edition of our contest.... if you want to see something, there is here an example....
and at the same time we are they work on the new site: www.icorti.it what it already contains 54 short films of yours in streaming, among all those introduced max of 8 minutes to the actual contest and with duration...

To the Circle of the Artists we have introduced a series of your short films... others 27 courts of yours projected....
Correct to hold the accounts, in 8 events we have projected 168 short films of yours... someone more than once, others an only time... but the main point is to try to give visibility to your works.

They also participate your Short films in the 2 events of the White Night to Rome with which we collaborate.

For the first one: we have chosen some your short to insert in the event Night Bianca CITY HIDE (what not one will last but well three days) arranged by CITY HIDE PROJECT. Beside gimmicks the list of the short participants to the demonstration and other info.

For the second event, Saturday 17 September will see represented Short Theatrical and projected Short films in the long marathon of well 13 hours, times give 19 up to the hours 8 of the following morning, to the Theater of the Form. Beside the other information.
If your short films are not already in the National DataBase of the Short films or you have not sent him/it to our Contest, immediately send us your job.... you/he/she could be projected in the next event. All the information you find here her.

Premio Cinecittà Holding per i cortometraggiRome rewards the Made in Italy: the Cinecittà Holding Prize has been allocated to 5 short films, to equal worth, on a rose finalist of 15 short estrpolata from over 50 short films of quality.
The prize wants to be a stimulus and an encouragement for the young talents of our cinema so that can continue in their road to renew the Fastis of the Italian cinema. (you read the whole article)

I grant with the project "onScreen" of the Faculty of Sciences of the Communication of the university of the Studies in Rome "You Wisdom."
The collaboration foresees one supply of ours of short films for the realization of a television format with masking of all the Italian regions.
"CortiContro" (this the name of the format TV) it will have a known "witness" to the beginning of the episode, while at the end you/they will be interviewed the artists (directors, actors, etc) that will have realized the short films introduced in the episode.
Therefore Immediately Sent us your Works (fiction, thriller, documentaries, short of animation, etc.)
Could be Yours the short introduced and could be You the interviewed authors!!
N.B.: For every short envoy (in MiniDV), you must also send the liberatoria that you find here.

From Velletri, poiettare short films have been asked in an evening (Thursday August 4 th) there. Beside the details.

Some of the present Short films in the DataBase will be projected by the friends of the Photographic Group PonteImmagine of Bridge of the oil in Piacenza. You see the detailed program.

Whether to Do For Participating in the National DataBase of the Short films

Often us "poor" Filmaker, to make to know to the public our work, ours short, we don't know whether to do. We have shipped him/it to various contests, perhaps we have also received a signaling or a prize. But later? What can we make of our short film?

We have created the I File National of the Short films, a collection of tapes, a DataBase whether to insert works of a certain artistic-cultural level or avant-garde, short that, also without being of the masterpieces, is jobs that mirror the reality of the Italian Filmakers.

Naturally we also look for that short films, that during the years has been winning or selected in Italian contests and foreigners, and that the director or manufacturing desire still to make them know to a vast public.

All the short films that have been sent already or that they will participate in the next editions of our contest " ilCORTO.it " they are automatically inserted in the DataBase.

We solicit therefore all to it stuffed to know their works, to be able to insert her in a circuit of projections to national level, both in the rooms of cineclub and in some television broadcasting stations. And don't believe that am what from not too long!
Naturally this is not a contest: we don't accept filmini and restarts of the vacations or similar things.... and therefore we must make a minimum of selection....

Recapitulating, thin to today, in 8 demonstrations, projections of 168 short films have been effected, certain, someone more times, others an only time.... but the main point is that we have begun...

And c ome we had promised you, to give Visibility' to your jobs, we have also taken accords (light the beginning of this same page), and others we are tightening of it, with television produziomni to Italian regional level, with salt cinema and with various associations, to project your Short films to a vast public. The first effected projections or you program they are listed at the side.

.... we are making the tests of streaming.... if you want to see something, there is here an example....

We thank the first associations and groups of job that he is placing side by side to us in this organization:
Cultural association ilCorto.it (of Rome)
Photographic group PonteImmagine (area Piacenza)
Cultural association Sedicicorto (area Forlì and Cesena)
Cultural association QuiCampiFlegrei (Pozzuoli)
Cultural association IndieGesta (area Frosinone)
DAMS Festival (net among all the DAMSs Italian area Turin)
Cultural association HULOT in Florence
Association cultural Cinema and Society (province of Latin)

... and soon will also have other big novelties to television level...!


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