
girare un corto filmato documentario spot To turn our first Tape (or Short or Short film)

To think Before Doing - Her ideas to turn a short...

In this basic section we will try to understand what it means to think, to produce and to realize ours new short. To find the new ideas for a good short... it is not simple but even impossible.... and in our site can find of it of good person!!

What it needs to know to develop a first trace of ours short and as instead to write our ideas that we must introduce to the producer of the short film (if we are only scriptwriters) for then to arrive to a complete screen-play. Or to directly turn him/it....

The Short film (or short in the shortened form, short in English) is a briefer film of that normal (how hard around 90 minutes). The Short one generally hard at the most 30 minutes, you/they are sometimes imposed some smaller (for instance 8 or 15 minutes) durations thin to reach the Ultracortis of the maximum duration of 3 minutes or 1 minute.

We also furnish you the pen to write the screen-play or a professional program that it will help you in the writing of your script... a product in language Italian and free.... usable with the three great operating systems (Windows, Mac and Linux). If you want to know more of it, you read here...
Fare un corto regole ripresa cine foto ottica

Can we recommend to see you on Saturdays morning "The great talk" on Rai3? And' a program of interesting television criticism, would be better rather to say of visual criticism... from which can be learned "the trap to capture the public" also for ours short....

Let's remember us that in the kind "short" the tapes or advertising spots, the documentaries, the videoclips and the cartoons are also included...

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Orson Welles has said:
"I have never been in a school of cinema. And I had never been on a set before turning "Fourth power." Without doubt I/you/they have been touched by the grace of a total ignorance. Have learned everything that there was to know in three hours, not because is particularly intelligent, but because the cinema is simple! You of certain you will have spent too much time to watch movie. Don't close too much you in the cinema universe, as it was a box of herrings.

You dream your films, rather. And you pay attention to the enchantment of the most perverse muses... the decadence of the cinema is the result of the glorification of the director. But the actor is more main point. Today the director is the artist more overestimated of the world. You think about the great moments of the cinema: they are all in black and white. More it advances the technical progress, the creative spirit goes anymore to decline. And I fear that the electronics will end up helping only the films of third choice."

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