
The Short ones of the other directors... and not only....


If you want to view some of the short films sent to our Contest "ilCORTO.it 2005" (with duration to the max of 8 minutes), cliccate here or you go to the address www.icorti.it
To see the cortometraggiis produced by the other filmakers must be constructive.... In this section of base we tell you whether to study (don't copy) from the other authors directors and professionals (and we also speak naturally of film of the great screen) is what important and necessary to be able to evolve us.
To study and to understand as the great directors (but also the other filmakers) you/they have used the taking car, as the screen-plays of the winning works are been written, as the scenes have been climbed on in a film and in a short.... he is able, rather must be learned by everybody!
Only so we can build ours beautiful short.

Orson Welles with "Fourth power" (1941) it proposes a way all new to make the cinema, connecting again himself/herself/itself to Griffith and to Eisenstein, and climbing over the whole patient job of craftsmanship that had done the fortune and the greatness of hollywood in the preceding decade.

Teacher is not alone who knows so many things, but who is not afraid to teach to the others that that knows!

We signal an example of as an independent (even if typeseted by two or three people, friends, that is) production you/he/she should proceed: you go to the page As a Short it is born and you will understand what behind a short or a film is....
Another example to follow from the beginning a new production, finds him/it on http://www.mkegregorifilm.3go.it of our friend and collaborator Michelangelo....

"Anybody better of you artists, genial builders of beauty, can realize something of the pathos with which God, to the dawn of the creation, it looked at the work of his/her hands..." (Pope Giovanni Paul II)

I have inserted some pages drawn by the site of Gianfranco Castellana that MICHEL VAILLANT introduces, the new based film on an old (and for me unforgettable) comic strip. Luc Besson has script him/it and product.... there are a lot of information, from the photos of scene to the photos sequences of the accidents, from the notes on the music to the clips and the trailers of the film, from the poster of various nations to the job of translation of the French script....

If you are filmaker and you have some short films that have participated or defeated in past competed... why don't you make them insert in the National cabinet of the Short films? unhide them to you to whom wants to grow and to learn new things... all the information the gimmicks here.

In the kind "short" the tapes or advertising spots, the videoclips, the documentaries and the cartoons are also included.


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